Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring is in the air, and Summer is jsut around the corner.

   I love this time of year...spring is in the air, summer is right around the corner, and for most people, school is ending. This is the first time in my 23 years of life that I am not ending school. CRAZY! Last May, I graduated college. This May I'm being a housewife, helping the girl scouts with some PR, potentially being a substitute teacher and planning on doing some major traveling. I've been to many places in Germany, but I think this weekend we're going to go somewhere I haven't been locally.
Some of the "bigger" places I've been since traveling with Tyler include Rome and Prague. (You can read a synopsis of some of my travels here or for specific cities, check out the links above.)
   When I was young and would think about my post-college life, I never imaged that I would be living in Germany for a little over a year and be married. Heck, even after I graduated I couldn't really fathom living in a different country together with my husband who I had been separated from for so long. Crazy how things change and come together, huh?  
   What did I want to be, you may ask. Well, when I was first applying to colleges, I wanted to be a screenwriter and director. Heck, between my junior and senior years of high school, I went to screenwriting camp at UCLA. Yup, you heard me, screenwriting camp. I had so much fun and met so many cool people. Once I took more classes on the subject, I realized that this may not be the lifestyle for me. I LOVE movies/TV. I love coming up with story ideas and sometimes writing them out, but man, it's a crazy life because I also knew (and still know) that I wanted a family and a life outside work. I still kept the film (media production) emphasis as part of my major, but I added PR/Advertising/Event planning, which I absolutely fell in love with I've had several internships that have had to do with these subjects. So, I changed my mind and I thought I would do something with PR/HR or event planning. I do absolutely love doing these things, yet, I am still at a loss what to do with my life. Sigh. Anyway, you can read more about this subject here .
   Enough about me and my crazy quest to find myself and what I want to do with my life. I want to take this time to congratulate all those friends of mine who are graduating from Cal Lutheran and other colleges this year. You did it! I'm so proud of you! And maybe a year from now, you can look back and think about where you thought your life would be one year after graduation. Many of you have jobs waiting for you, or some of you may have already started them. Some of you are continuing your education. But the rest of you are like me, trying to find what you want to do with your life and just trying to find a job. Anyway, I wish you all the best no matter where your life may
take you. CONGRATULATIONS!!! It may be a little anti-climactic, but enjoy this day :)
   As for everyone else, enjoy this season and this time. After all, it is a great time of year :). I know the hubby and I will. We have some big travel plans coming up that I will be sure to share. 
   Happy Saturday everyone! Any big plans coming up?

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