I'm SO very excited for tomorrow! Why? It's the Royal Wedding of course!!! Now, you may be wondering why I'm so excited, well, I'll tell you. Number one, I've always had a strange fascination with the British Royal family (my family will confirm this), two, it's a wedding, three, it's a royal wedding...need I say more? I can't wait to see what's she's wearing, all the people, all the pomp and circumstance... Man, it will just be amazing! Wish I could be there. Lucky for me, I'm only an hour ahead of the U.K., so I can watch it at noon :)
Are you guys as excited as I am?! It's going to be a happy day and a great wedding :)
For more info check out:
Official Royal Wedding 2011
Oooh, I can't wait to see what her dress looks like! She is beautiful. Her style is always so classy.