Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 19: Not really sure...

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

I honestly have no idea what to put for this... But here goes nothing...
When I was little, I wrote to the figure skater, Michelle Kwan. 
via site
I really admired her when I was younger. Still do admire her in fact. Well, after I wrote the letter, I got an autographed picture of her in the mail. It was one of the happiest days of my young life. I still have that framed picture (though now I think it's in a box at my parents house).  Ah, the small things in life :) 


  1. AWH! really?! that is awesome that she sent you an autographed photo! lol, when i was little i wrote to dr.seuss..

    did you watch michelle kwan when she was on dancing with the stars?

    hope you get a chance to swing by my blog! i have a rad bikini giveaway going on & it's super easy! ^.^ xo

  2. That was Kristi Yamaguchi on Dancing with the Stars, but I did see that haha.
    I did swing by your blog :), the giveaway looks cool!
