Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend re-cap

   So I re-did the design/layout. The hubby says he's going to FINALLY help me make this little blog look better, woot! This design is just because I was bored with the old one and I felt a change was needed sooner rather than later.
   Friday I went out to a birthday party for a girl I met in SNAPS class. It was really fun! Just the dinner/drinks at a steak place, then went to this crazy club. It was fun, but I'm not sure if I'd go back. ha.
A friend and I waiting for the bday festivities to begin :)

   Saturday, Tyler and I had a lazy day...watched TV and movies and just hung around the house. Always nice to do. That night we also polished off 2 bottles of wine...whoops! haha. Oh how I love wine.
   Sunday, today, well, it was kind of another lazy day. We did make a list of things he/we need to get done before he leaves for like 2 weeks. Ugh. Oh the Army. Such a love/hate relationship haha.

How was everyone else's weekend?


  1. I like the facelift! It's clean and easy to read. I see he snuck 'iraq' in on the map. Ha.

  2. Thanks! He didn't make this one, blogger did lol. But yes, it's funny how the mid east is the focus back there.
