Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sometimes, I don't want to grow up

   I need to work on my wardrobe. I feel as thought I need newer more adult/professional pieces that can be worn for work or play. I absolutely love plain t-shirts. Crew-necks, v-necks, scoop-necks, love them all! They so can dress them up or dress them down, wear them to work or where them about town. The only thing is, I usually get them from cheap places such as Old Navy, Forever 21 and most recently, H&M. Because I get them from these places, they don't always last as long as I would like them too; they stretch out, fade, get holes quickly, etc. Actually, I take that back, the H&M ones are holding up fairly well. Sometimes, I'm afraid to order things online because its hard to know what size to get...I'm an odd shape. My boobs are HUGE and the rest of me really isn't THAT big. 
One of my new favorite sites! Picture via
I also LOVE dresses, but I'm usually good at finding those, sometimes tailoring is involved, but it's worth it. What I am really in need of is tops. Any suggestions?

   I also need to figure out what to do with my life, rather, what I WANT to do with my life. I won't bore you with another post about finding myself/my niche in life, but's really starting to bug me. I can't even tell you what I want my "dream" job to be any more. I am seriously at a loss. I could totally see myself doing Pam's (now Erin's) job on The Office, at least for a little. Be a secretary, plan work events, etc. I could also see myself doing HR like Toby. (Sorry, I think I've been watching too much of The Office lately haha).
Tyler has been saying more and more that he can see me doing HR. Did I even study the right thing for that? I could also see myself being a wedding coordinator (and some other event planning) and working at a bridal salon. But then, I can kind of see myself in the entertainment industry doing PR, producing, casting or something. Too much to choose from, and no direction.
   If you're interested, you can read more about it here and here.

   Man oh man, sometimes I definitely don't want to grow up. Too much to do, to much to decide...Sigh. But then again, I like being this much you CAN decide and do for YOURSELF, and so many different opportunities. :)


  1. Hi Beth,

    I feel as if I am going through the same thing with not knowing what to do. For me, it's been kind of a rut i'm in since college! I really miss that atmosphere! (I am sure you agree!)

    Right out of college I got this job in sales, it was ok but not amazing.. well, not for me. I transferred (same company) to our Finance and HR department (we are so small that it is all in one!) and i thought i would hate it since finance involves math and boy do i just SUCK at math!! But actually, I really enjoy it.

    I am really enjoying the HR part as well. I think with the communications degrees we have - we are lucky, because we can do really ANYTHING with them! And in reality, most people do not do what their degree in college was anyways! :)

    I have been thinking about doing grad school at CLU, the MPPA program, as I can take HR further that way.

    But in all honestly, I do not know! I dont really have a 'dream' job in mind either. I've always loved theater, all parts of it, but I also love planning and organizing as well, but my current job isn't too bad either.

    My gut says, we will be ok. We are lucky to have our degrees that can take us really anywhere, and I think we'll know when we find that 'right' job.

    Who says you HAVE to know by 23 right? :)

    - Mish (PS sorry this was so long!)

  2. Wrote you a message :)

    But it's always nice to know you're not alone.
