Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let's Talk TV

    If you didn't know, Tyler and I are obsessed with love TV (movies too, but this post is for TV hehe). Now, as far as new shows go for Fall 2011, we've started watching:
Terra Nova 

I'm already hooked and I've just seen the pilot. It's a very interesting and intense story. Going back in time to the age of dinosaurs because the world is too polluted...oh man. Ok, kinda preachy, but you get it. I think it's going to be a good show.
New Girl
 Zooey Deschanel, need I say more? She's adorable, the show is adorable and funny. All in all good. I'm kind of sad they changed the one roommate already, but that's because he's on a different show, which I also like. Ah well. Tyler says it's more of a chick show (Yes Natasha, much like Alex haha), but he still watches it with me. hehe.
It's cute, funny and I think people will be able to relate. There's only been one Episode, so we'll see how it goes, but so far I like it and Tyler says it's ok...he'll keep watching it though :p haha.
Up All Night
Now, we enjoy Christina Applegate and Will Arnett, so Tyler and I figured we'd enjoy this show. WE are both not the biggest fans of Maya Rudolph, but we'll deal. Thus far it's ok. It's funny, but I'm still undecided. We'll see if I keep watching.

I still need to try out Pan Am, Homeland and 2 Broke Girls. I might also check out How to be a Gentleman and The Playboy Club. Haha, can you see how much we love TV?
Here are some of the other shows we watch:
Love this show. It's ridiculous at times, but I love it. Tyler tried to watch it once...it's really not his thing. Ah well, more Glee for me! hehe. Also, it's on it's third season...what?!
The Amazing Race
We both watch this show pretty religiously. We've seen every season. :)
Greatness. Watched every season...love it. As I've said before...it makes me smile :)
Modern Family
Need I say more? It's pure greatness. Can't believe it's already on the third season.
Kind of a guilty pleasure show. I think its hilarous and super awkward. Yes, Tyler watches it too muwhahaha. First season is over, but I'm excited for when it comes back hehe.
Happy Endings
It reminds me of HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother), so naturally, Tyler and I love it.
Breaking Bad
Boy is this show intense! I feel like it may end soon, but until it does, I will keep watching! So good.
I like Dexter, but this show should really end soon. I'll miss it, but I think it's time has come to an end. The new season JUST started, so we'll see.
So funny and ridiculous.
Boardwalk Empire
 Simply amazing. Watch it...it won't disappoint. Season 2 just started!
Parks and Recreation
I was a late comer to this show, but I love it! I'm now all caught up just in time for the new season. So funny.
Army Wives
I know, I know...a little cliche, but I am addicted to it. haha. Finally catching up with this past season. :)
Game of Thrones
This show is epic, amazing, fantastic, gross, gory...it's a must see. Tyler started reading the books and loves them. Guess I should get on that before season 2 starts!

Ok, well, I think that about covers the shows we watch religiously that are still on. I may have missed some, but oh well...you get the idea. We did watch things like Entourage and Hell's Kitchen, but these are the new things we currently watch. Now, you may be asking yourself, how do you have time to watch all of these shows? Simple, they all don't air at the same time. For some of these shows, the season is already over or almost over; for some, the season has just begun. If you budget your time and occasionally do other things like work on HW or fold laundry during them, you have plenty of time for all of these shows. I've also had to time to make sure I'm caught up because we don't have regular TV or cable...we just rely on DVDs or what Tyler has on his hard drive. Oh Germany.
Unfortunately, I have to take a small hiatus from some of these shows since Tyler is off training yet again. Sigh. :( I miss him already.

1 comment:

  1. oh! I totally forgot about Suburgatory...I wanted to watch it. I'll have to follow up on Hulu :)

    And yay for having husbands (Alex and I are close enough right?) that will watch "chick" shows with us hahah

