Thursday, August 11, 2011

   It's almost been a week since I last blogged...WHAT?! Crazy. I never really meant to do that, it's just, well, I haven't been feeling inspired to write. I guess I get intimidated or embarrassed about some ideas I have. Or, I think I have a great idea then 5 other people blog about it, and they have 50 billion (subscribed) readers. Le sigh. OR they have a better idea then me, and I'm like, well, why didn't I think to write about that! haha. Oh me. I am trying to work on not being so self conscious about things, like for example, my blog, but sometimes it just happens. Working on it though.
   So, Saturday I was going to drive two hours or so to pick up Tyler from his training and see him "graduate," but low and behold, he came home last night! It was a nice and welcome surprise! :)
   Well, I know this was a short post, but I will be more creative tomorrow...I already have some things I'm working on :). Happy Thursday.