Friday, March 11, 2011


   It's been awhile for me! Oops. Sorry about that. Not too much to report I suppose after our one weekend of travels and the Oscars I didn't have much going on. Yes I'm still looking for a job and get the apartment together, but how exciting is that? Well, maybe I'll write a post about decorating our place sometime...hehe.
   Anyway, this post is about Fasching (Mardi Gras for those of us from the U.S.) a carnival in German speaking countries. On Tuesday, the day before ash-Wednesday, I went downtown with some girls I had met from SNAPS class to shop and celebrate Fasching. To me, Fasching feels like a mix of Mardi Gras and halloween. People dress up in all different types of crazy costumes, there's a big parade and of course, lots of drinking.
   In our lovely little town there in a parade that starts around 13:00 (1pm) and lasts for a couple hours. During the parade beer, candy, pastries, popcorn and other things are passed out...yay for free things!  :)We even got some of those things, and I'll tell you what, the beer wasn't half bad (and I'm not a beer drinker)! As for dressing up, well one girl in our group had a dress with heals and a cool mask and then I dressed up like Wendy from Peter Pan. Yes we were the only two in our group haha. Ah well. It was a lot of fun to see how other people and cultures celebrate this day.
The group! (minus me)
Here comes the parade!
one of the crazy floats 
he posed for us haha :)
I just started laughing when they came into view. Oh Germans
Got my free beer!


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say hi from a fellow military spouse in Germany. Our family got here in August of last year. We, unfortunately, did not make it to any fasching events because of our children's activities. Maybe next year!

    Welcome to Germany! =)

  2. Thanks! I'm enjoying it so far. :)
