Saturday, November 13, 2010

So excited! Stoked even.

   Yesterday, I was kind of a bumb. I really didn't do much of anything, which is probably for the best because I needed to rest and relax before Tyler gets here, which should be a couple hours from now. EEK! Excited doesn't even being to cover the wide range of emotion that I am feeling right now. It's probably the best one, and the most overpowering emotion...stoked may be a better word. haha.
   So anyway, last night I went out with some Army guys and Coleman's German gf, Laura. It was really really fun. We walked around in the rain a it, ate at this Turkish/German restaurant, which was delicious. I decided to name the food Deutschurky. haha. After that, we went to an Irish Pub, yes....Irish. Random, I thought so. It was a lot of fun though. Got me to relax. Once I got back to the hotel, I changed and read some. Eventually, I got tired and went to sleep. I didn't sleep all to well last night, but I'm not really surprised by that. I mean, come on husband who I haven't seen in almost 8 months is coming home to me!!!!! :) AHHHHHHHHH. I finished the current book I was reading this morning because I couldn't sleep anymore. I also really wanted to know how it ended. haha. Oh me. This is the second book I've finished THIS WEEK. I think my intense reading will calm down for a bit though.
   You know what's weird? How nice all these people have been to me. I know sometimes military guys, or military people in general get a bad rap, but these guys? No, they're so nice. When we're out they always make sure I'm doing ok, having fun, get enough food or drink, etc. etc. Yes, part of it may be who I'm married to, but I also think that they honestly care and maybe see me as a potential friend. I'd like to think so anyway. I also enjoy hanging out with these guys...the range in ages from about 20 to 27/28 or so. Its a good mix. Generally their wives or girlfriends are fun too. haha.
   The weather is weird today. It's very cloudy and gloomy, but it like stops a bit from the horizon and you can see a little blue sky and sunlight. It's like how I'm feeling right now kind of. I have hope for happiness (the hope is the blue sky and sunlight). Hope that Tyler and I will be reunited in a few hours. And then the sun will be out in all its glory, well at least for me. :)

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