Monday, December 6, 2010

Catching up

Apologies for the lack of posting! Not that I've forgotten about this, but sometimes there is just other things to do, people to see, TV shows/Movies to watch...ya know? Ah well. I will try and be better about keeping up with this again.
   Lets see, last I left you it was before Thanksgiving! Yikes. My bad. Well, Thanksgiving for us was kind of, well, not boring, but it was close. Our dinner plans fell through, and it was to late to tell the others who invited us, "haha! Just kidding, we're coming!" That would've been rude. Tyler also didn't want to take me to the Cafereria thing they have because he said, "Only losers go there on Thanksgiving." If any of you reading this went there on Thanksgiving, you are not a loser. In hines sight, we should have just gone there. We did have a nice relaxing day just sitting around watching TV/Movies off his hard drive. And for Thanksgiving dinner, we have German food. We actually never left the hotel room; we ordered in. Tyler did venture out to the Cafeteria to get us some pie. haha.
   The next day, Tyler and I went grocery shopping. In our room we had a fridge with freezer and a microwave. In the other building, there was a community kitchen, so we could cook. Score! That night, we went out for Jessica's birthday. Greek food. Delicious. It was really fun :). The rest of the weekend, we just relaxed and figured out some celebration of marriage things. All in all a good time. Ok, so, that's not all we did. Sunday, we went to the Christmas Market in downtown Schweinfurt. So cute! I loved it! I can't wait to go to the bigger ones someday. There was a band playing, a horse and carriage, all these cute little vendors and delicious food. Can't forget about the Gluwine. mmm. It's strong, heated up wine. We had two cups. We also had a creepe and candied nuts.
   That week Tyler went to work, I ran some errands and we just enjoyed each other. We would cook dinner together almost every night. :) It's been really fun. Yes, some days I'm lazy and don't do much, but I figure, when else in my life am I going to get to do this?
   This past weekend, we moved to a new hotel on Saturday. wooo? Third one since I've been here. haha. Luckily, they have great internet. Score. That night, we went to Lisa's birthday party. Tyler calls her the mom of the platoon because her husband is the Lt. She turned 30...oooo! We started off the night shopping at H&M to get Tyler a new coat and some socks. It's a nice coat. Then we hung around the Christmas market to kill time before the party. The party was supposed to start 7 ish, so naturally, Tyler and I get there about 6:55. They were still setting up everything at this Indonesian restaurant, which Tyler and I had been to before. It's delicious btw. It's called Mega's. Tyler and I were put to work hanging streamers. Eventually her husband goes off to get her. More people start to show up. By 8pm, they still weren't there. People were getting antsy. Finally, by 8:30, they arrived and the party could start. After gross red wine, a few shots and a Rattler (either beer with lemonade or beer with 7up) it was off to the Salsa club. We stayed there for a bit and I danced with the other wives and the bday girls husband. Hell, I even got Tyler to dance two songs! hehe. But after some time there, we were getting really tired so we went home to our hotel. Yesterday, Sunday, we luckily got to be lazy and sleep in and just hang out and watch TV/Movies.
   Today, Tyler had to wake up early to make sure he could make it to PT on time. Gross. I have problems getting back to sleep after he leaves, but I managed. Then, around 9 I went downstairs and had breakfast. I stayed there for about 40 minutes, giving them time to clean my room, but when I went back up, they hadn't even started cleaning any room! haha. Oh good. They can just do it this afternoon :p
I'm thinking about going to downtown Schweinfurt and just walking around. I do want new boots. Plus, it's something to do. There's always the Christmas Market.
   Well friends, I think it's time to start my day. I've had fun catching you all up. I will try to be more religious about updating this. Have a good day!

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