Monday, December 20, 2010

"An old friend never can be found, and nature has provided that he cannot easily be lost." -Samuel Johnson

   First post with my new computer! Who's excited?! haha. It's really ok if you're not, I'm just excited to have a computer that doesn't randomly crash, runs at a fast pace and can read script (whatever that means anyway). Plus, my wonderful husband bought it for me as a birthday/Christmas present! :) Love that man. The only downfall is that I'm going from a wonderful Macbook back to a PC. Oh well.
   Speaking of not knowing what things mean, I've decided that I need to learn how to make my blog fancier, er, well, I need to make it look better. I also need to remember to label things in my posts. The problem is, I suck at almost all things computer. Granted, I took computer classes and stuff in high school, but for some reason, this stuff is hard for me. Sigh. Maybe the hubby can help. He's good at this stuff. He's actually really smart in general; it's kind of intimidating.
   Today, Tyler, my parents, my sister and I went to the Dallas Zoo. Man, I hadn't been there in ages! They've really improved things.Tyler's hand got licked by a giraffe, we saw male lions getting trained...where can you really do/see that? Of course, it's no San Diego Zoo, but hey, I liked it. Side note, it was REALLY nice 75 and sunny. AMAZING!
   If I've lost you by now, sorry. It's honestly just how fast my brain works, well, or it could just be that my life isn't to exciting right now haha.
   Tyler and I leave for California tomorrow. I am excited about it, but I will miss my family and friends here in Texas. It was nice to be home for a little though. It's nice to know that after all this time, that I still have friends (two in particular) who really care about me and hang out with me whenever I'm here. The two in particular are even going to be bridesmaids. :). I hope and pray I can say the same about some of my friends in California. I know I have to "move on" and make new friends where I'm at, but I still want to remain friends with at least some of them in California. I mean, it's not like I will be gone forever. Tyler and I are planning on coming back to California after he's done. Sigh. I hope it works out. I really do. I like my friends there lots. Even love many of them. Some are even like family to me. Wow, I sound pitiful. But, alas, it's how I feel. I've had a lot of ups and downs this past year (my husband being deployed, graduating college...just to name a few), but I feel if these friendships and my marriage have made it, man oh man, nothing can stop me now! (I hope.) Here's to looking on the bright side of things!

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