Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Other than the car incident and some stress at work, this week wasn't so bad. The good news is, I made it through! I'm still trying to figure out this whole work and play balance. For example, I think of all of these great recipes and stuff to cook, but once I get home I have NO motivation. Any tips, tricks, or advice? And no, it's not because I don't like to cook, in fact, I'm learning that I can quite enjoy it.

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, or as I call it, Cinco de Drinko. Tyler had to work til about 6, then it was off to his sister's boyfriend's housewarming. Since it was Cinco de Mayo, I thought I should wear something, cute and colorful. I wore a royal blue frilly tank (Forever 21 a few years ago), coral shorts (American Eagle), black flip flops with gold trim (Love Culture), black earrings with colorful flowers (Forever 21 a few years ago).

Today is kind of a lazy day for me. Tyler's at work, so I ran some errands and did some cleaning, but now, I'm just sitting on the couch catching up on some TV. Delightful.
What are you all up to on this beautiful Sunday?
Any tips, tricks, or advice on how to get motivated to cook once I get home from work? 
Happy Sunday Friends :)


  1. Cute outfit! so colorful.



    1. Thanks! :)
      First, colored, colored pants! hehe
