Friday, March 30, 2012

Home Creations

Happy Friday Friends! So, I updated the couch a bit:
 What do you think? I think it help to bring in that MUCH needed color. We still need to  hang more things on the wall, but it's a work in progress. 
The floral pillow came in a pack of two from Homegoods. Oh, I love you.It was such a great find! It's the pillows, plus the cover, AND they're machine washable! Even better.

The yellow and white stripped pillows are from a store in Germany called Moemaxx. It was on our couch in German, and since then, they have been on our bed. I decided since it's the spring, it's time to bring on the color! Plus, they look great with the other pillows on the couch.

Tyler and I are having a housewarming/his birthday party on Saturday. We're so excited to host our first party in our new place!
 For this grand occasion, I decided to make some wine charms: 

I just used some black eye pins and a bag of multicolored craft beads. Simple huh? Not as cute as I may have liked, but I think they'll be useful. :)

Well, that's all I have for you guys today. Look forward to a post later this weekend about our big party (I'm making boysenberry cheesecake, regular cheesecake with a sour cream topping, pineapple 
wrapped with bacon, and much more! ) 
What are your plans for the weekend? Anything fun?
Have a great day friends :)


  1. Beth, those pillows are AWESOME!! DId you make those?! Love the color!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. No, I didn't make them, but I'm going to make new covers for some of them for like fall and winter. :)
